Photo Mar 26 2024, 4 14 04 PM

Prestige Returns to Salisbury!!

2500 Durhamshire Place Midlothian, VA 23113

PLEASE NOTE: Due to HOA regulations parking for this sale is located one short block away on Pagehurst Drive, the front of the house and driveway may be used for a maximum 20 minute loading zone for large purchases. The will also be an employee posted at the entrance of the subdivision to direct traffic.If you have a large purchase to pick up please present your receipt to the parking employees and they will permit you to pass into the subdivision for pick up. Thank you, Prestige Management.

Dates: April 11, 12, 13, 2024

Time: 10am to 4pm

PLEASE READ OUR SALE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BY CLICKING HERE. By Entering Any Prestige Estate Services Sanctioned Event You Agree To Having Read, Understand & Agree To Our Sale Terms & Conditions. This is also posted at the door of every sale.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to HOA regulations parking for this sale is located one short block away on Pagehurst Drive, the front of the house and driveway may be used for a maximum 20 minute loading zone for large purchases. The will also be an employee posted at the entrance of the subdivision to direct traffic.If you have a large purchase to pick up please present your receipt to the parking employees and they will permit you to pass into the subdivision for pick up. Thank you, Prestige Management.

This is a great start to our spring season everyone! There is definitely something for everyone to see here! 

Anitque Pine corner cabinet, southern hunt board, Arts and Crafts style glass front China closet, golden oak press back chairs, golden Oak dining table, Fostoria American glass, Hummel figurines, Royal Dalton China, Crystal, Marble top Victorian tables, Cabinet style photograph,78 rpm records, Oil lamps, Barrister style bookcase, mahogany end tables, Virginia local vintage cookbook collection, Longaberger basket collection, vintage kitchen ware, vintage Corningware including “Spice of Life” pattern and “ Cornflower Blue “, Hinkel Harris nightstands, antique brass bed, Golden Oak washstand, antique oak rocking chairs, Sheraton style gooseneck reproduction sofa, Foxhunt themed decor and prints, oil paintings, framed Victorian prints, Vintage Singer sewing machine, antique school desk, the babies and other small stuffed animals, mahogany chests of drawers, marble top. Victorian washstand, holiday decor items, Craftsman Style entertainment center, vintage crocheted coverlets, ladies clothing size 16 petite to extra large, handbags, scarves and accessories, Antique tools, vintage workbench, garage items, c.1900 Golden Oak recliner, Queen Ann style mahogany server, occasional tables, costume jewelry, antique perfume bottles, straight razor collection, pocket watches, And much much more!
