Shopping at estate sales are a fun way to find collectibles at great prices. You can find estate sales in your neighborhood by checking out our upcoming sales, where you will also find dates, times, and photos. If you are new to shopping at estate sales, there are a few rules you will need to follow.
Estate Sale Tips
Most estate sales that are run by professional companies will not let too many people into the home at one time. That is why you need to show up about 30 minutes early to start lining up outside. They also don’t want you to bring in large bags that is easy to slip a collectible into. If you are searching for tools, then you will want to head straight to the garage. Books are usually found in the living room and bedroom. Collectibles may be set on a separate table near the cash register. Jewelry is also often found near the cash register to reduce theft.
Most estate sales also will not let small children into the home. The reason behind this is the fact that there are valuable breakables inside the home. Another great thing about estate sales is the fact that they are held inside during all types of weather. Look for estate sales throughout the year in your neighborhood. Most garage sales are only held during the spring and summer months. The best items are usually sold first at the beginning of the sale. Most estate sales will run for two to four days with discounts towards the end on anything left.
Look through all the boxes you find in the garage, attic or basement. Many times you can find collectibles inside boxes that have a variety of different items inside them. Usually, the home is also for sale along with the occasional vehicle. Estate sales are a great place to buy appliances such as washers, dryers, and refrigerators. Many people who frequent estate sales furnish their entire houses at a fraction of the cost of new furniture.
Common items you can find at estate sales include silverware, small appliances, tablecloths and other linens priced to sell. Another common item found at estate sales is vintage jewelry. Some of these pieces are marked very low. If you collect vintage jewelry, then an estate sale is the best place to find them. If you plan on buying furniture, you will need to bring help to load the items.
Many people simply go to estate sales for the thrill of shopping and looking through someone else’s home. Estate sales also hold a treasure trove of old board games, toys, banks and other interesting items. If you are searching for the best selection, then come early on the first day. If you are looking for a good deal, but you are not fussy about what it might be, then visit estate sales on Saturdays when everything is discounted.