As we know, the marketplace can grow and shrink for antiques and collectibles. If you’re not paying attention you could miss some of your heirlooms and collectibles appreciating in value. Before you discard any old toys or collectibles make sure you know what your looking at and not giving away value. Some of the collectibles we had as children are helping those who thought ahead to cash in and make some money.
Keep reading for a list of popular collectibles that are gaining in value.
Popular Collectibles That Are Gaining in Value
If you have any of these, keep them around and cash them in later. If not, you’ll want to think about making them your next investment.
Knowing how to sell your collectibles will also help you make the most profit. Do plenty of research before placing your valuables on the market.
Comic Books
Comic books aren’t solely for kids. They’re perfect things to collect that will be worth money in the future.
If you have comic books from days gone by, or newer ones, in great condition, do some research on the value. Anything that is a first edition will most likely sell for a good price. Keep an eye out for comics with a characters first appearance as well.
Christmas Decorations
We all have hand-me-down Christmas ornaments. Ornaments that came with instructions to remember who’s side of the family owned them.
If you’re not as nostalgic at others, you can potentially liquidate them for a pretty penny. Glass ornaments from Germany are the most valuable. But there are ones with handpainted details that can also make a profit.
Valuable Jewelry
What we’ve always called costume jewelry is gaining value at estate sales. You can find all kinds of pins, necklaces, and earrings that you might have seen family members wear.
If you have a stash of vintage jewelry someone passed down to you, try appraising it to see how much it’s worth. Gemstones aren’t the only pricey jewelry anymore. Some of these are marked or branded in the way you suspect so make sure you know what you’re looking at.
First Edition Books
If you find a first edition, hold onto it, these can be the most valuable finds.
Older and more popular books will sell for the most profit. Signed editions are also a plus.
There’s no guarantee for all books and how well people will receive them but have an appraiser review them before trying to sell anything.
VHS Tapes
These items, intrinsic to some of our childhoods, believe it or not, are now seen as vintage products.
VHS tapes may not be modern entertainment anymore. But they have definitely gained value. These collectible items are exactly what people are looking for to rewind time and have a piece of the past.
When looking for treasure in the dusty storage room, look for rare items. Collectors editions and controversial material will also be on the list of valuables.
Antique appraisals are perfect for antiques or collectibles you believe to be valuable. Read “What You Need to Know About Appraisal Services” for more information.